Sunday, 23 October 2011

Hyptis oil for skin diseases

The previous post has more information about this plant.

Wash the plant well ,pat it dry  , crush it and collect the juice.An equal amount of sesame seed oil is added to it and the mixture is heated on a low flame till all the moisture is evaporated.A small bit of camphor is powdered and added to the oil( when it is luke warm and away from the flame). The oil is cooled and filtered and stored in a glass jar.
When applied on the skin , it heals all types of sores , itchy spots,fungal infections,dry flaky skin and many other skin problems.This is for topical application only .

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Sunday, 23 October 2011

Hyptis oil for skin diseases

The previous post has more information about this plant.

Wash the plant well ,pat it dry  , crush it and collect the juice.An equal amount of sesame seed oil is added to it and the mixture is heated on a low flame till all the moisture is evaporated.A small bit of camphor is powdered and added to the oil( when it is luke warm and away from the flame). The oil is cooled and filtered and stored in a glass jar.
When applied on the skin , it heals all types of sores , itchy spots,fungal infections,dry flaky skin and many other skin problems.This is for topical application only .

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