Saturday, 9 April 2011

A good cure for skin rash caused by sticker bindi

Vermilion kumkum is replaced with ready made velvety stickers with an adhesive on the reverse side.This may mimic the effect of the bindi /bottu but some people with sensitive skin have allergic reactions and on prolonged usage a grayish dot appears on the forehead.
This particular cure as told by Elchuri  to cure this localised skin rash  is very simple.
Aegele marmalos or the wood apple tree is quite common and especially found near Temples for Lord Shiva.It is called Maredu chettu in Telugu ,Vilvam in Tamil  and Bel in Hindi.
The leaves are collected after a sincere prayer dried and powdered and stored.A few pinches of this powder is mixed with 2 pinches of  turmeric powder * and water.This paste is applied on the affected area.The patch disappears in a month.

(The trifoliate leaves have this deep religious significance -It is believed that it represents Shiva tatvam)

Pasupu in Telugu,Manjal in Tamil,Haldi in Hindi.

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Saturday, 9 April 2011

A good cure for skin rash caused by sticker bindi

Vermilion kumkum is replaced with ready made velvety stickers with an adhesive on the reverse side.This may mimic the effect of the bindi /bottu but some people with sensitive skin have allergic reactions and on prolonged usage a grayish dot appears on the forehead.
This particular cure as told by Elchuri  to cure this localised skin rash  is very simple.
Aegele marmalos or the wood apple tree is quite common and especially found near Temples for Lord Shiva.It is called Maredu chettu in Telugu ,Vilvam in Tamil  and Bel in Hindi.
The leaves are collected after a sincere prayer dried and powdered and stored.A few pinches of this powder is mixed with 2 pinches of  turmeric powder * and water.This paste is applied on the affected area.The patch disappears in a month.

(The trifoliate leaves have this deep religious significance -It is believed that it represents Shiva tatvam)

Pasupu in Telugu,Manjal in Tamil,Haldi in Hindi.

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